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Hearing Habits for the New Year

Approximately 28.8 million U.S. adults could benefit from hearing aids. If you’re among the many people taking advantage of these devices, the new year is the perfect time to set resolutions for better hearing aid care and healthy hearing habits. Let’s take a look at a few ways to make these resolutions a reality.

Review Your Hearing Aid Routine

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A good hearing aid routine ensures your devices work at their best. Start with these steps:

  • Clean your hearing aids regularly. Dust, earwax and moisture can interfere with the performance of your hearing aids. Use a soft cloth and the tools recommended by your audiologist to clean your devices daily.
  • Inspect for wear and tear. Check for any visible damage or signs of aging, like cracked tubing or worn-out batteries. If you notice damage, schedule a repair with your hearing aid specialist.
  • Schedule regular check-ups. Hearing aids need periodic professional maintenance to keep them in top shape. Reach out to Bangor Audiology to schedule your maintenance appointment.

By resolving to make these tasks part of your daily hearing aid preparation, you can avoid issues that may disrupt your hearing experience.

Build Healthy Hearing Habits

Taking care of your hearing aids goes hand-in-hand with maintaining your overall hearing health. Here are a few hearing health habits to adopt:

  • Protect your ears from loud noises. Use earplugs or noise-canceling headphones in loud environments.
  • Turn down the volume. Keep your music at 80 dB or lower.
  • Be mindful of ear hygiene. Clean your outer ears gently and avoid inserting anything deep into your ear canal. If you have an earwax blockage, schedule a cleaning appointment with your provider.

These practices support your ears to prevent unnecessary hearing deterioration in the long run.

Embrace Consistent Hearing Aid Use

Consistency is key when it comes to hearing aid effectiveness. Wearing your hearing aids daily ensures your brain stays accustomed to processing amplified sounds. This habit can also improve your ability to follow conversations and enjoy everyday activities.

If you’ve fallen out of the routine during the holidays, now is a great time to recommit to wearing your devices daily.

Take the Next Step Towards Hearing Health

Whether it’s a family gathering or a stroll through the Downtown Bangor Light Show, clear hearing makes life more enjoyable. Start your New Year’s resolution early by making an appointment with Bangor Audiology for a hearing checkup.